ресторан "Антонио" (Москва) Anton Tabakov, Александр Адабашьян, Анастасия Чухрай Итальянские стили разных времен - от мужественного и лаконичного романского до рафинированного позднего Ренессанса - в интерьере ресторана "Антонио"
Passing the gallery
A photo: Evgeny Luchin
Text: Maria Kriger
Idea: Anton Tabakov
Project author: Alexander Adabashyan, Anastasia Chukhray
Magazine: Na (58) 2002
Tradition is a great thing. In our time, there are not many places that can boast of ancient ancestry. Restaurant "Antonio", recently opened in Moscow on a street in 1905, building 2a (opposite the World Trade Center), can rightfully declare itself as the heir to a glorious historical past. It is for certain known that the first mention of the house is found in the Novgorod chronicle of the XII century. Here, on the banks of the Moskva River, there was the manor "Big Food" of Boyar Kuchka, famous for his hospitality and hospitality. Somewhat later, a hut that stood in this place, an enterprising merchant Kuroyedov, managed to sell to three completely different customers, one of whom was a native of sunny Italy. The house has seen many amusing characters. So, at the end of the 19th century, the Russian silent film star Sanctarova lived here, whose name later gave the name to the famous port wine, and in the early years of Soviet power a regular visiting Italian constructed a perpetual motion machine at this very spot, regularly working for several years ... Believe? Not. And rightly so. Because this whole story is the purest hoax, a fiction from the first to the last word, invented by the famous scriptwriter and director Alexander Adabashyan. However, all that has been said above about tradition is true. After all, the hoax was very popular with the creative intelligentsia in the early twentieth century. What is the genius poetess Cherubina de Gabriak - the famous creation of Maximilian Voloshin! It is pleasant to realize that this tradition is supported by the modern Russian cinema elite. The last project of the notorious restaurateur Anton Tabakov is a graphic confirmation of this. Everything else in Antonio is absolutely authentic: the furniture from CAPPELLINI, BOFFI, посуда VILLEROY&BOCH, превосходная итальянская кухня. Интерьер ресторана - своеобразный (и совершенно сознательный) микс "итальянских" стилей разных времен: от "мужественного" и лаконичного романского до рафинированного позднего Ренессанса. Да и сама атмосфера вполне "ренессансная" - интерес к занимательным мелочам и диковинкам здесь возведен в культ. Любознательный посетитель "Антонио" может лицезреть вечный двигатель, так и не совершивший переворота в советской науке, полюбоваться на одну из знаменитых вилок, на которых состоялась дуэль между англичанином Фирсингом и русским подрядчиком Финогеевым, а заодно узнать истинное происхождение модного слова "пирсинг".