house in bright colors

A photo: Evgeny Luchin
Text: Olga Vologdina
Project author: Julia Yasnova, Anna Denisova
Magazine: (152)
The image of the interior appeared immediately. The owners wanted to have a cozy home in the so-called classic country style - in light pastel colors, with elements of wood. The authors of the project have developed this topic. They offered to make the doors and wooden structures white, and everything else - a little more saturated colors, to get a little contrast. “The color of the walls we recommended is darker than the owners initially thought,” says
At the beginning of the design, the hostess asked for a place to exhibit an extensive collection of porcelain. For a long time there was no place for it: the narrow walls between the windows did not allow to place a large display case here. Then the designers decided to place the collection between the dining room and the staircase, specially designed for this glass showcase partition with a variety of compartments. It turned out beautifully and functionally. Now the exhibits of the collection are viewed both from the dining room and from the stairs.
The style of the interior is a cross between nostalgia for the atmosphere of an old country cottage near Moscow and the collective image of a classic European home, because each member of this large friendly family has their own passions. Someone likes English motives, someone prefers French romanticism. A gentle pastel range, artistic stained-glass windows, hand-made according to the sketches of the authors, and exclusive woodwork - built-in furniture, partitions with glass facades became the link in the design of the house. According to the authors of the project, tied into a common decorative canvas, they are the very framework that will allow in the future to complement the interior with various things and accessories.
Project author