In this purely individual matter, such as choosing a bed, it is difficult to give a recommendation that is applicable in any situation, but for those who have just begun the search, we have good advice and three dozen beds that will ensure you an extremely good sleep.

Organization of filming and interviews: Elena Efremova
Lead headings: Andrey Presnov
Magazine: N4 (181) 2013
The bed can be rectangular, round, with a high fantasy headboard or even without it, trimmed with fabrics, leather, simple wooden. Thousands of options, and in what of them will be appropriate in your home, you need to properly understand. Think about it. Maybe you, like parts of modern architects, are close to the idea of a single space in which the functional zones are not clearly demarcated? According to this principle, urban apartments are often equipped: in them, the kitchen and dining room often merge with the living room, and that, in turn, smoothly flows into the bedroom. Due to this, the interior looks whole, and the living space, free from internal barriers, gives the eye a feeling of spaciousness.
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