Jubilee of frank lloyd wright: archive unpacked

In the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), a large-scale exhibition will open on June 12 to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Frank Lloyd Wright.

Related: Frank Lloyd Wright: $ 3.6 Million for the Great Master's Last Masterpiece

Один из ключевых архитекторов прошлого столетия, Фрэнк Ллойд Райт оставил массивный архив, который стараниями Фонда (The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) удалось сохранить как единое целое. Все время он так и находился в поместье архитектора в Талиесине. Но в 2012 году его совместно приобрели Нью-Йоркский музей современного искусства (MoMA) и библиотека Эйвери Колумбийского университета (Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library, Columbia University). Юбилейная выставка стала таким образом важным этапом в открытии и осмыслении архитектурного наследия Райта. Ее название — «Фрэнку Ллойду Райту 150: распаковывая архив» (Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive) — буквальное напоминание о непростом и важном «переезде» огромной коллекции (порядка 500 000 единиц хранения) в Нью-Йорк.

The Tower of St. Mark for New York, 1927–29 Layout, painted wood and cardboard.

The exhibition, organized jointly by the New York Museum of Modern Art and the Avery Library, will feature about 400 works created between 1890 and 1950. The curators were Barry Bergdoll and Jennifer Gray, who abandoned the usual monographic solution of the exposition. As a result, all the exhibits - drawings, models and details of buildings, furniture, dishes, fabrics, photographs, films and TV shows - many of which are shown for the first time, divided into 12 thematic sections and organized according to the principle of anthology.

Each of the sections also became a study of a visiting scholar, opening new pages and putting Wright's work in the context of the epoch: Ken Oshima from Washington University engaged in rethinking the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Jennifer Gray, together with Teresa O'Malley from the Washington National Gallery summed up the importance of landscapes and ecosystems; Juliet Kinchin from MoMA presented the projects of small farms, a graduate student of Urban iversiteta New York Elizabeth Hawley interested in golf club NAC and influence of Indian culture, and Helen Moody from MoMA told about the problems of restoration layouts of buildings in New York Guggenheim Museum Solomon and the tower of St. Mark.

The Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York, 1943–59 Layout, painted wood, plastic, glass inserts, ink, watercolor. Davidson's Small Farms, 1932–33 Layout, painted wood, chipboard. "House over the Falls" in Mill Run, Pennsylvania, view from the south. 1934–37 Pencil, color pencil, paper. The conceptual plan of "Big Baghdad", view of the cultural center and university, 1957. Ink, pencil, crayon, tracing paper. The project of the school "Ursa Minor" in Los Angeles, 1923 Pencil, color pencil, tracing paper. Prefabricated House Project for America, 1915–17 Lithographs.

The exhibition will run until October 1, 2017. The organizers also compiled an extensive accompanying program of lectures, seminars and various workshops.